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We need your support to be able to offer surgical interventions to children in need.
Help up keep the surgical missions going!
Donate to the Pediatric Surgery for Africa Fondation / Fondation Chirurgie pour l'Enfance Africaine.

We need your support to provide surgical care for hundreds of underprivileged children in West Africa.
Donate by bank transfer
Fondation Chirurgie pour une enfance africaine
Crédit Suisse AG
Compte n° 80-500-4
IBAN CH59 0483 5154 6358 0100 0
Rue du Chêne 8 – CP 5463
1002 Lausanne
Your donation will help:
Increase training and strengthen the local medical teams to render them more independent of the Swiss professionals
Provide modern equipment to the operating rooms
Include other CHUV specialists (ENT, cranio-facial) in the program
Increase exchange programs between surgeons in training in Benin and Lausanne
Maximize the number of children operated in Abomey and minimize transfers to Lausanne