Education &
We collaborate with local surgeons, anaesthetists and nurses by offering them theoretical and practical training on site or in Switzerland.
Training Professionals in Pediatric Surgery
Theoretical classes (one-day classes on a relevant subject ) on surgical, anesthetic and nursing care are offered on each mission.
A partnership between the Medical Faculties of Lausanne and Cotonou was signed in 2015 to reinforce the training collaboration.
In 2014-2015, the Swiss Cooperation in Benin provided funds to permit Dr Espérence Houmenou to train for a year in the department of pediatric surgery in Lausanne and to return to Abomey where he now works as the pediatric surgeon.
Christelle Jung
Co-ordinating nurse for pediatric burn care and plastic surgery CHUV, trains local nurses in wound care and feeding (for children with facial clefts).
Celine Dufour
Pediatric occupational therapist CHUV, provides follow-up of children born with limb malformations or having suffered burns. She trains local physiotherapists, nurses and parents in the confection of splints and massage/manipulation of affected limbs to maximize long-term results.
Chantal Zbinden
Member of the multidisciplinary cleft team, CHUV, provides training to parents of children with cleft palates to ensure good language acquisition over the early years of life and identify children needing secondary surgery. There is no speech therapy available to these children, and good speech is a prerequisite to social integration.
Josée Despars
Pediatric psychologist, CHUV, gives classes to midwives in the surrounding region concerning the psychological support needed for mothers giving birth to a child with a malformation (especially cleft lip and palate).